Together You and Me

Together we,
Together you and me.

Together we were in the dark,
Together we were to embark.

Together we blinked,
Together we winked.

Together we smiled,
Together we were coiled.

Together we cried,
Together everything we tried.

Together we kicked,
Together we clicked.

Together we wriggled,
Together we giggled.

Together we dreamt,
Together time we spent,

Together we ate,
Together was our fate.

Together we were born,
To never be torn.

To all he was a SON,
The most cherished one.

To none was I a daughter,
To love, Oh why bother!

To me he was my Twin,
The only known kin.

To all I was a daughter,
The one left for slaughter.

Together we were in a womb,
Today I am alone in a dusty tomb.

Together we,
Today it’s just HE.


  1. My God Jai that was a very powerful statement. Great job on the blog. Keep up the good work.

    Anisha Kuruvilla

  2. Way to go Shruti! Interesting read! :)

  3. thank you so much Anisha, Harsh, Siddharth :)

  4. Excellent baby..powerful message put together in a simple way...Expecting more from you ... ;-)

    With love,

  5. baby this is awwesome and a serious thought to ponder too :) keep kicking...

  6. that was a classic!!!! too good jai!

  7. very nice .. shruuu :) looking forward to reading some more of ur poems...


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