The G Word
Are you guilt-ridden that you couldn’t cook five different cuisines for your family of four? Or that you weren’t 100% attentive when your toddler was babbling? Oh my god! (Janice style) Now he is going to grow up to be an attention seeking adult! Or are you guilty that you chose to relax instead of cleaning that spot under the kitchen sink that nobody really cares about? Does your parlor seat feel like an electric chair charged with high voltage guilt because you are “troubling” your husband on a weekend by leaving your sleeping baby with him? Are you guilty as charged by your toddler’s tantrums because you messed up the sugar levels in her milk? How can you not know what your child wants? Well, I am guilty of letting my sick (just a common cold (eye roll)) husband look after the house and kids while I am working on this article, right now. Welcome to the Island of Guilt. An island surrounded by infinite salty waters formed by your tears of self-pity. On this island the spotlight i...